he had a scar on his cheek the length of my finger 意味

  • 彼の片ほおには私の指と同じ(くらいの)長さの傷跡があった



  1. "he had a reputation as a contract negotiator but she cut him down to size" 意味
  2. "he had a reputation for business sagacity" 意味
  3. "he had a rough ride in his interview" 意味
  4. "he had a row with his wife over money" 意味
  5. "he had a rude awakening when he received notification of his severance" 意味
  6. "he had a serious fall while skiing" 意味
  7. "he had a setback in his job" 意味
  8. "he had a severe emotional upset because of the divorce" 意味
  9. "he had a sharp mind behind his mask of “country boy." 意味
  10. "he had a row with his wife over money" 意味
  11. "he had a rude awakening when he received notification of his severance" 意味
  12. "he had a serious fall while skiing" 意味
  13. "he had a setback in his job" 意味

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